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93% of Wicklow Schools on Track for Free Solar Panels – Matthews

Green TD Steven Matthews has welcomed the strong level of demand for the Schools PV Programme with 93 schools progressing applications and of those, 42 schools have fully installed solar panels under this scheme. The remaining schools are at various stages of the process and will continue to progress their installations. The scheme provides participating schools with 6 kilowatts of roof-mounted solar PV, which equates to approximately 16 solar panels. The full cost of installing the solar panels will be paid for entirely by the state’s Climate Action Fund with no additional costs incurred by participating schools.

Discussing the progress of this scheme, Deputy Matthews said:


“I strongly advocated for Wicklow’s inclusion in the first phase of the school solar rollout, and it is very rewarding to see 93% of Wicklow schools progressing installations and in particular to see that 42 schools and counting have fully installed solar panel systems and this number will continue to increase in the coming months.


“The ultimate goal is to get rooftop solar panels on every school in Wicklow. This is a very practical measure that will assist schools with their energy costs, reduce carbon emissions and encourage the wider roll-out of solar PV in Wicklow.


“In the last few months, I have worked directly with a number of schools on specific concerns related to their application and in each instance, we were able to work through them and complete the application process. If any other school requires assistance, I am more than happy to offer any support I can.


“Schools are at the centre of our communities, and it makes sense that schools will be at the forefront of Ireland's solar rollout,” concluded Deputy Matthews concluded.






Steven Matthews TD

Green Party TD for Wicklow

Constituency Office

Brighton Hall

Parnell Road Bray



Phone: Bray Office 01 5589792 / Leinster House 01 6183179

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