Green TD – Steven Matthews has written to the Minister for Finance - Michael McGrath to call for the 9% VAT Rate for food-led businesses to be reinstated following a series of engagements with Wicklow based café, restaurant, and pub owners in recent months. This intervention comes as calls from this sector ramp up in the context of ongoing negotiations ahead of the Autumn Budget.
“During the local election campaign in particular, I spoke with many small business owners in the food sector, and they all raised the proposed reduction in the VAT rate as being something that could make a tangible, positive difference to their business.
“Any business owner that I have spoken to in recent months has raised concerns relating to increased food costs, operational costs, and genuine concern for the viability for many within the sector, particularly smaller businesses.
“In recent days, I have written to a hundred or so restaurants, pubs, and cafés to make it clear that I fully support this proposal and I have written to the Minister for Finance to ask that it is urgently considered for inclusion in the next Budget.
“We are incredibly fortunate in Wicklow to have some of the best restaurants, cafés and pubs in the country and the Government should offer any support possible to small and medium businesses in this sector. I hope that the Minister will give due consideration to this proposal as I believe it is a balanced and reasonable support to offer businesses, particularly at a time of such high operational costs.
“Not only does this sector create huge employment in towns and villages across Wicklow; you also they offer incredible food and service for locals and tourists to enjoy, and this has to be valued and supported”, concluded Deputy Matthews.