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Matthews welcomes funding for two rural carpark upgrades under new CLÁR grants

Date: 29 September 2020

Green Party TD for Wicklow, Steven Matthews has welcomed the news that carparks at Knockananna and Asknagap are to be upgraded as part of the latest round of CLÁR grants with €30,000 granted to each community for the work.

Discussing the news Deputy Matthews said:

“This is positive news for both areas which have often been overlooked for grants of this nature in the past, so it is brilliant to see some much-needed funding being invested in these communities.

“CLÁR provides funding for small scale projects in designated rural communities and this year there were clear efforts to focus on safety improvements at carparking facilities that will help people to stay in touch with each other while still meeting the public health requirements arising from the pandemic.

“While this round of funding has been fully allocated, I welcomed the news from the Government this week that it is hoped that further announcements will be made under Measure 3 of the CLÁR programme shortly”, concluded Deputy Matthews.

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